The story behind our name
The Sambar is a majestic deer, one of the largest in the world. Sadly, it has been listed as a vulnerable species since 2008 due to severe hunting and the industrial exploitation of their habitat. Over the past 30 years, populations have declined by more than 50% and are expected to continuously drop until all populations outside of protected areas disappear. Unless action is taken, the Sambar Deer could be narrowed to only a few remote populations.
Our name inspiration
A majestic creature
At Sambar, we are inspired by these majestic animals that are continuously fighting for survival despite habitat loss, hunting and climate change.
The Sambar Deer symbolizes our fight against the inhumane treatment of animals and their exploitation for the sake of fashion. We pride ourselves on our commitment to animal welfare and we pledge to never use any animal products in our collections.
The Sambar antlers comprise our signature gold closure clasp. Each one of our handbags also bears the name of a different endangered species, to create conscience of the importance of animal protection and welfare.